QCA Capital
QCA Capital Management, Inc. is a SEC registered investment adviser, and a wholly owned subsidiary of Quincy Cass Associates, Inc.
Assets custodied at Charles Schwab & Co, Inc. and Fidelity Clearing & Custody Solutions℠
If you don’t think someone would hire you to manage their investments, then why are you managing your own?

Why Use an Investment Advisor? [Printable Brochure]
Minimize Personal Risk: Our clients look to QCA Capital Management for professional assistance rather than risk their future on their own endeavors. When an individual, family or organization must rely on their portfolio for future security, professional management should be the foundation.
Save Yourself Some Time: Professionally managing an investment program requires a full time commitment and years of experience. Many people may not have the experience or time to commit.
Access to Information: Although the internet has made information about companies much more available, the real information upon which professional investment decisions are be based through direct contact with companies, extensive research, and skilled analysis.
Personal Financial Services: Since we maintain a close, personal relationship with each of our clients, we are often asked for advice on a broad range of financial matters. We can help in the coordination of your retirement and investment planning programs.
Leverage Expertise: The professionals of QCA Capital Management have extensive experience built upon a variety of business backgrounds and disciplines. In effect, our clients are leveraging their investing efforts on our overall skill and experience by entrusting us with the management of their portfolios.
Strength of Partnership: Working with QCA Capital Management doesn’t mean relinquishing control of your investments. It’s like having an expert partner at your side for knowledge and insight on matters such as: assessing your current financial situation, clarifying your investment objectives, designing an asset allocation strategy, recommending specific investments that fit your strategy, and implementing timely changes as conditions warrant.
Investment Services
Helping small businesses, individuals, and families
QCA Capital Management
Our primary goal is to protect and enhance the client’s wealth as economic conditions change.
These are our three investment strategies:

Growth &
Many individual investors allow emotions to
hinder a disciplined approach to investing.

Quincy Cass Associates Professionals

We look forward to meeting you

Chief Executive Officer

daniel r. guAY, CPA
Chief Financial Officer

DEAnna M. Adams, CFA
ChiefInvestment Officer

Senior Wealth Advisor

Chief Executive Officer

daniel r. guAY, CPA
Chief Financial Officer

Deanna M. Adams, CFA
Chief Investment Officer

Lupe Benitez
Director of Client Services

Executive Vice President of Partnerships

Senior Wealth Advisor

Lupe Benitez
Director of Client Services

Executive Vice President of Partnerships